Basic Structures ================ .. highlight:: python .. index:: CvPoint .. _CvPoint: CvPoint ------- .. class:: CvPoint 2D point with integer coordinates (usually zero-based). 2D point, represented as a tuple ``(x, y)`` , where x and y are integers. .. index:: CvPoint2D32f .. _CvPoint2D32f: CvPoint2D32f ------------ .. class:: CvPoint2D32f 2D point with floating-point coordinates 2D point, represented as a tuple ``(x, y)`` , where x and y are floats. .. index:: CvPoint3D32f .. _CvPoint3D32f: CvPoint3D32f ------------ .. class:: CvPoint3D32f 3D point with floating-point coordinates 3D point, represented as a tuple ``(x, y, z)`` , where x, y and z are floats. .. index:: CvPoint2D64f .. _CvPoint2D64f: CvPoint2D64f ------------ .. class:: CvPoint2D64f 2D point with double precision floating-point coordinates 2D point, represented as a tuple ``(x, y)`` , where x and y are floats. .. index:: CvPoint3D64f .. _CvPoint3D64f: CvPoint3D64f ------------ .. class:: CvPoint3D64f 3D point with double precision floating-point coordinates 3D point, represented as a tuple ``(x, y, z)`` , where x, y and z are floats. .. index:: CvSize .. _CvSize: CvSize ------ .. class:: CvSize Pixel-accurate size of a rectangle. Size of a rectangle, represented as a tuple ``(width, height)`` , where width and height are integers. .. index:: CvSize2D32f .. _CvSize2D32f: CvSize2D32f ----------- .. class:: CvSize2D32f Sub-pixel accurate size of a rectangle. Size of a rectangle, represented as a tuple ``(width, height)`` , where width and height are floats. .. index:: CvRect .. _CvRect: CvRect ------ .. class:: CvRect Offset (usually the top-left corner) and size of a rectangle. Rectangle, represented as a tuple ``(x, y, width, height)`` , where all are integers. .. index:: CvScalar .. _CvScalar: CvScalar -------- .. class:: CvScalar A container for 1-,2-,3- or 4-tuples of doubles. CvScalar is always represented as a 4-tuple. .. doctest:: >>> import cv >>> cv.Scalar(1, 2, 3, 4) (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0) >>> cv.ScalarAll(7) (7.0, 7.0, 7.0, 7.0) >>> cv.RealScalar(7) (7.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) >>> cv.RGB(17, 110, 255) (255.0, 110.0, 17.0, 0.0) .. .. index:: CvTermCriteria .. _CvTermCriteria: CvTermCriteria -------------- .. class:: CvTermCriteria Termination criteria for iterative algorithms. Represented by a tuple ``(type, max_iter, epsilon)`` . .. attribute:: type ``CV_TERMCRIT_ITER`` , ``CV_TERMCRIT_EPS`` or ``CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS`` .. attribute:: max_iter Maximum number of iterations .. attribute:: epsilon Required accuracy :: (cv.CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 10, 0) # terminate after 10 iterations (cv.CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 0, 0.01) # terminate when epsilon reaches 0.01 (cv.CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | cv.CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 10, 0.01) # terminate as soon as either condition is met .. .. index:: CvMat .. _CvMat: CvMat ----- .. class:: CvMat A multi-channel 2D matrix. Created by :ref:`CreateMat` , :ref:`LoadImageM` , :ref:`CreateMatHeader` , :ref:`fromarray` . .. attribute:: type A CvMat signature containing the type of elements and flags, int .. attribute:: step Full row length in bytes, int .. attribute:: rows Number of rows, int .. attribute:: cols Number of columns, int .. method:: tostring() -> str Returns the contents of the CvMat as a single string. .. index:: CvMatND .. _CvMatND: CvMatND ------- .. class:: CvMatND Multi-dimensional dense multi-channel array. .. attribute:: type A CvMatND signature combining the type of elements and flags, int .. method:: tostring() -> str Returns the contents of the CvMatND as a single string. .. index:: IplImage .. _IplImage: IplImage -------- .. class:: IplImage The :ref:`IplImage` object was inherited from the Intel Image Processing Library, in which the format is native. OpenCV only supports a subset of possible :ref:`IplImage` formats. .. attribute:: nChannels Number of channels, int. .. attribute:: width Image width in pixels .. attribute:: height Image height in pixels .. attribute:: depth Pixel depth in bits. The supported depths are: .. attribute:: IPL_DEPTH_8U Unsigned 8-bit integer .. attribute:: IPL_DEPTH_8S Signed 8-bit integer .. attribute:: IPL_DEPTH_16U Unsigned 16-bit integer .. attribute:: IPL_DEPTH_16S Signed 16-bit integer .. attribute:: IPL_DEPTH_32S Signed 32-bit integer .. attribute:: IPL_DEPTH_32F Single-precision floating point .. attribute:: IPL_DEPTH_64F Double-precision floating point .. attribute:: origin 0 - top-left origin, 1 - bottom-left origin (Windows bitmap style) .. method:: tostring() -> str Returns the contents of the CvMatND as a single string. .. index:: CvArr .. _CvArr: CvArr ----- .. class:: CvArr Arbitrary array ``CvArr`` is used *only* as a function parameter to specify that the parameter can be: * an :ref:`IplImage` * a :ref:`CvMat` * any other type that exports the `array interface `_