Non-local Means Filterによるデノイジング
Non-local means
A. Buades, B. Coll, J.M. Morel “A non local algorithm for image denoising”
IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2005, Vol 2, pp: 60-65, 2005.
下のデモンストレーションビデオでは,画像にガウシアンノイズを付加し,様々な手法とこのNon-local means
※ 下記質問に対するバグ修正(とコードの最適化)を行っております.(2011/11/23)
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> #include <iostream> using namespace cv; using namespace std; // additional functions///////////////////////////////////// void addNoiseSoltPepperMono(Mat& src, Mat& dest,double per) { cv::RNG rng; #pragma omp parallel for for(int j=0;j<src.rows;j++) { uchar* s=src.ptr(j); uchar* d=dest.ptr(j); for(int i=0;i<src.cols;i++) { double a1 = rng.uniform((double)0, (double)1); if(a1>per) d[i]=s[i]; else { double a2 = rng.uniform((double)0, (double)1); if(a2>0.5)d[i]=0; else d[i]=255; } } } } void addNoiseMono(Mat& src, Mat& dest,double sigma) { Mat s; src.convertTo(s,CV_16S); Mat n(s.size(),CV_16S); randn(n,0,sigma); Mat temp = s+n; temp.convertTo(dest,CV_8U); } void addNoise(Mat&src, Mat& dest, double sigma,double sprate=0.0) { if(src.channels()==1) { addNoiseMono(src,dest,sigma); if(sprate!=0)addNoiseSoltPepperMono(dest,dest,sprate); return; } else { vector<Mat> s; vector<Mat> d(src.channels()); split(src,s); for(int i=0;i<src.channels();i++) { addNoiseMono(s[i],d[i],sigma); if(sprate!=0)addNoiseSoltPepperMono(d[i],d[i],sprate); } cv::merge(d,dest); } } static double getPSNR(Mat& src, Mat& dest) { int i,j; double sse,mse,psnr; sse = 0.0; for(j=0;j<src.rows;j++) { uchar* d=dest.ptr(j); uchar* s=src.ptr(j); for(i=0;i<src.cols;i++) { sse += ((d[i] - s[i])*(d[i] - s[i])); } } if(sse == 0.0) { return 0; } else { mse =sse /(double)(src.cols*src.rows); psnr = 10.0*log10((255*255)/mse); return psnr; } } double calcPSNR(Mat& src, Mat& dest) { Mat ssrc; Mat ddest; if(src.channels()==1) { src.copyTo(ssrc); dest.copyTo(ddest); } else { cvtColor(src,ssrc,CV_BGR2YUV); cvtColor(dest,ddest,CV_BGR2YUV); } double sn = getPSNR(ssrc,ddest); return sn; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //main implementaion void nonlocalMeansFilter(Mat& src, Mat& dest, int templeteWindowSize, int searchWindowSize, double h, double sigma=0.0) { if(templeteWindowSize>searchWindowSize) { cout<<"searchWindowSize should be larger than templeteWindowSize"<<endl; return; } if(dest.empty())dest=Mat::zeros(src.size(),src.type()); const int tr = templeteWindowSize>>1; const int sr = searchWindowSize>>1; const int bb = sr+tr; const int D = searchWindowSize*searchWindowSize; const int H=D/2+1; const double div = 1.0/(double)D;//search area div const int tD = templeteWindowSize*templeteWindowSize; const double tdiv = 1.0/(double)(tD);//templete square div //create large size image for bounding box; Mat im; copyMakeBorder(src,im,bb,bb,bb,bb,cv::BORDER_DEFAULT); //weight computation; vector<double> weight(256*256*src.channels()); double* w = &weight[0]; const double gauss_sd = (sigma == 0.0) ? h :sigma; double gauss_color_coeff = -(1.0/(double)(src.channels()))*(1.0/(h*h)); int emax; for(int i = 0; i < 256*256*src.channels(); i++ ) { double v = std::exp( max(i-2.0*gauss_sd*gauss_sd,0.0)*gauss_color_coeff); w[i] = v; if(v<0.001) { emax=i; break; } } for(int i = emax; i < 256*256*src.channels(); i++ )w[i] = 0.0; if(src.channels()==3) { const int cstep = im.step-templeteWindowSize*3; const int csstep = im.step-searchWindowSize*3; #pragma omp parallel for for(int j=0;j<src.rows;j++) { uchar* d = dest.ptr(j); int* ww=new int[D]; double* nw=new double[D]; for(int i=0;i<src.cols;i++) { double tweight=0.0; //search loop uchar* tprt = +im.step*(sr+j) + 3*(sr+i); uchar* sptr2 = +im.step*j + 3*i; for(int l=searchWindowSize,count=D-1;l--;) { uchar* sptr = sptr2 +im.step*(l); for (int k=searchWindowSize;k--;) { //templete loop int e=0; uchar* t = tprt; uchar* s = sptr+3*k; for(int n=templeteWindowSize;n--;) { for(int m=templeteWindowSize;m--;) { // computing color L2 norm e += (s[0]-t[0])*(s[0]-t[0])+(s[1]-t[1])*(s[1]-t[1])+(s[2]-t[2])*(s[2]-t[2]);//L2 norm s+=3,t+=3; } t+=cstep; s+=cstep; } const int ediv = e*tdiv; ww[count--]=ediv; //get weighted Euclidean distance tweight+=w[ediv]; } } //weight normalization if(tweight==0.0) { for(int z=0;z<D;z++) nw[z]=0; nw[H]=1; } else { double itweight=1.0/(double)tweight; for(int z=0;z<D;z++) nw[z]=w[ww[z]]*itweight; } double r=0.0,g=0.0,b=0.0; uchar* s = im.ptr(j+tr); s+=3*(tr+i); for(int l=searchWindowSize,count=0;l--;) { for(int k=searchWindowSize;k--;) { r += s[0]*nw[count]; g += s[1]*nw[count]; b += s[2]*nw[count++]; s+=3; } s+=csstep; } d[0] = saturate_cast<uchar>(r); d[1] = saturate_cast<uchar>(g); d[2] = saturate_cast<uchar>(b); d+=3; }//i delete[] ww; delete[] nw; }//j } else if(src.channels()==1) { const int cstep = im.step-templeteWindowSize; const int csstep = im.step-searchWindowSize; #pragma omp parallel for for(int j=0;j<src.rows;j++) { uchar* d = dest.ptr(j); int* ww=new int[D]; double* nw=new double[D]; for(int i=0;i<src.cols;i++) { double tweight=0.0; //search loop uchar* tprt = +im.step*(sr+j) + (sr+i); uchar* sptr2 = +im.step*j + i; for(int l=searchWindowSize,count=D-1;l--;) { uchar* sptr = sptr2 +im.step*(l); for (int k=searchWindowSize;k--;) { //templete loop int e=0; uchar* t = tprt; uchar* s = sptr+k; for(int n=templeteWindowSize;n--;) { for(int m=templeteWindowSize;m--;) { // computing color L2 norm e += (*s-*t)*(*s-*t); s++,t++; } t+=cstep; s+=cstep; } const int ediv = e*tdiv; ww[count--]=ediv; //get weighted Euclidean distance tweight+=w[ediv]; } } //weight normalization if(tweight==0.0) { for(int z=0;z<D;z++) nw[z]=0; nw[H]=1; } else { double itweight=1.0/(double)tweight; for(int z=0;z<D;z++) nw[z]=w[ww[z]]*itweight; } double v=0.0; uchar* s = im.ptr(j+tr); s+=(tr+i); for(int l=searchWindowSize,count=0;l--;) { for(int k=searchWindowSize;k--;) { v += *(s++)*nw[count++]; } s+=csstep; } *(d++) = saturate_cast<uchar>(v); }//i delete[] ww; delete[] nw; }//j } } int main(int argc, char** argv) { //(1) Reading image and add noise(standart deviation = 15) const double noise_sigma = 15.0; Mat src = imread("lenna.png",1); Mat snoise; Mat dest; addNoise(src,snoise,noise_sigma); //(2) preview conventional method with PSNR //(2-1) RAW cout<<"RAW: "<<calcPSNR(src,snoise)<<endl<<endl; imwrite("noise.png",snoise); //(2-2) Gaussian Filter (7x7) sigma = 5 int64 pre = getTickCount(); GaussianBlur(snoise,dest,Size(7,7),5); cout<<"time: "<<1000.0*(getTickCount()-pre)/(getTickFrequency())<<" ms"<<endl; cout<<"gaussian: "<<calcPSNR(src,dest)<<endl<<endl; imwrite("gaussian.png",dest); //(2-3) median Filter (3x3) pre = getTickCount(); medianBlur(snoise,dest,3); cout<<"time: "<<1000.0*(getTickCount()-pre)/(getTickFrequency())<<" ms"<<endl; cout<<"median: "<<calcPSNR(src,dest)<<endl<<endl; imwrite("median.png",dest); //(2-4) Bilateral Filter (7x7) color sigma = 35, space sigma = 5 pre = getTickCount(); bilateralFilter(snoise,dest,7,35,5); cout<<"time: "<<1000.0*(getTickCount()-pre)/(getTickFrequency())<<" ms"<<endl; cout<<"bilateral: "<<calcPSNR(src,dest)<<endl<<endl; imwrite("bilateral.png",dest); //(3) analizing of performance of Nonlocal means filter pre = getTickCount(); nonlocalMeansFilter(snoise,dest,3,7,noise_sigma,noise_sigma); cout<<"time: "<<1000.0*(getTickCount()-pre)/(getTickFrequency())<<" ms"<<endl; cout<<"nonlocal: "<<calcPSNR(src,dest)<<endl<<endl; imwrite("nonlocal.png",dest); imshow("noise", snoise); imshow("Non-local Means Filter", dest); waitKey(); return 0; }
(3)Non-local means filterの概説
Non-local means
また,類似したフィルタには,バイラテラルフィルタがあり,Non-local means
画質評価の指標であるPSNRを計測すると,フィルタなし 28.0 dB,ガウシアン 30.5 dB,メディアン 32.8 dB,バイラテラル 33.6 dB,ノンローカル 35.3
dB となりました.
メディアン 0.8ms,
ガウシアン 3.5ms,
バイラテラル 103ms,
ノンローカル 524ms(並列化なし),128ms(並列化あり)(※バグ修正&コード最適化前は並列化なしで684ms)
となり,このフィルタの計算時間が非常に大きいことがわかります.しかしこれは安直な実装であり,下記論文などのいくつかの高速化手法も提案されています.なお,実験環境はCore i7 2.93GHzで行いました.
J. Wang, Y. Guo, Y. Ying, Y. Liu, Q. Peng, “Fast Non-Local Algorithm for Image Denoising,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2006 (ICIP2006), pp. 1429 – 1432, Oct. 2006.
下記画像は左上段(入力画像),右上段(ノイズ付加画像),左中段(ガウシアンフィルタ),右中段(メディアンフィルタ),左下段(バイラテラルフィルタ),右下段(Non-local means Filter)となっています.