で表せます.この行列Hは画像サイズ×画像サイズ(SxS)の巨大な行列になり,Matクラスなどで確保すると あっという間にメモリが枯渇します.幸いなことに,この行列Hは要素がほとんどゼロなため,要素が非ゼロの 場所だけメモリを使用するスパース行列クラスSparseMatが使用可能です.ここでは, SparseMatの使い方を画像のぼかしとその逆過程であるぼけ除去を例に説明します.
#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>
using namespace cv;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
SparseMat createblurBoxSparseMat32f(Mat& src, Size window);
Mat visualizeSparseMat(SparseMat& smat, Size out_imsize);
void blurSparseMat32f(Mat& src, Mat& dest, SparseMat& H);
void deblurSparseMat32f(Mat& src, Mat& dest, SparseMat& H, int iteration, float beta);
void mulSparseMat32f(SparseMat& smat, Mat& src, Mat& dest, bool isTranspose = false);
void unsharpMaskBox(Mat& src, Mat& dest,Size window);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Mat image = imread("lenna.png");//input image
Mat bimage(image.size(),CV_8UC3);// blured image
Mat dbimage(image.size(),CV_8UC3);// deblured blured image
Mat dbimage2(image.size(),CV_8UC3);// deblured blured image for unsharp mask
Size kernelwin = Size(7,7);//blur kernel is 7x7 box matrix
int64 time;
double f = 1000.0/getTickFrequency();
//(1) generate sparse matrix of point spread function
time = getTickCount();
SparseMat psf=createblurBoxSparseMat32f(image, kernelwin);
cout<<"generating point spread fuction time:"<<(getTickCount()-time)*f<<" ms"<<endl;
//(2) visualize the sparse matrix
time = getTickCount();
Mat smatim = visualizeSparseMat(psf, Size(256,256));
cout<<"visualizing sparse matrix time:"<<(getTickCount()-time)*f<<" ms"<<endl;
imshow("Sparse Mat",smatim);
//(3) blur a input image with the sparse matrix
time = getTickCount();
cout<<"bluring time:"<<(getTickCount()-time)*f<<" ms"<<endl;
//(4) deblur the degraded image with a steepest descent method for L2 norm minimization
time = getTickCount();
deblurSparseMat32f(bimage,dbimage,psf,10, 0.2f);//iteration:10, beta = 0.2
cout<<"debluring time:"<<(getTickCount()-time)*f<<" ms"<<endl;
//(5) sharp the degraded image with common sharpness filter for mutch up
time = getTickCount();
cout<<"unsharpMask time:"<<(getTickCount()-time)*f<<" ms"<<endl;
imshow("test",image); //input image
imshow("test",bimage);//blured image
imshow("test",dbimage);//deblured image
imshow("test",dbimage2);//unsharpmasked image
//(6)evaluation by L2 norm
cout<<"norm: ideal <-> blured "<<norm(image,bimage)<<endl;
cout<<"norm: ideal <-> deblured "<<norm(image,dbimage)<<endl;
cout<<"norm: ideal <-> unsharpMask "<<norm(image,dbimage2)<<endl;
return 0;
Mat visualizeSparseMat(SparseMat& smat, Size out_imsize)
Mat data = Mat::zeros(out_imsize,CV_8U);
double inv_size = 1.0/smat.size(0);
SparseMatIterator it = smat.begin(),it_end = smat.end();
int j = (int)(((double)it.node()->idx[0]*inv_size*out_imsize.height));
int i = (int)(((double)it.node()->idx[1]*inv_size*out_imsize.width));
double minv,maxv;
Mat zeromat = Mat::zeros(out_imsize,CV_8U);
vector<Mat> image;
Mat ret;
cout<<"number of non zero elements: "<<smat.nzcount()<<endl;
return ret;
SparseMat createblurBoxSparseMat32f(Mat& src, Size window)
int matsize =src.cols*src.rows ;
int size[2]={matsize,matsize};
SparseMat H(2,size,CV_32FC1);//sparse mat: image_size x image_size
int bsy=window.height/2;// offset for kernel window
int bsx=window.width/2;// offset for kernel window
Mat kernel(window, CV_32FC1);
for(int j=0;j<src.rows;j++)
for(int i=0;i<src.cols;i++)
int y = src.cols*j+i;
if(i>=bsx &&i<src.cols-bsx &&j>=bsy &&j<src.rows-bsy)
for(int l=0;l<window.height;l++)
for(int k=0;k<window.height;k++)
// higher-level element access functions:
// ref<_Tp>(i0,...[,hashval]) - equivalent to *(_Tp*)ptr(i0,...true[,hashval]).
// always return valid reference to the element.
// If it's did not exist, it is created.
// find<_Tp>(i0,...[,hashval]) - equivalent to (_const Tp*)ptr(i0,...false[,hashval]).
// return pointer to the element or NULL pointer if the element is not there.
// value<_Tp>(i0,...[,hashval]) - equivalent to
// { const _Tp* p = find<_Tp>(i0,...[,hashval]); return p ? *p : _Tp(); }
// that is, 0 is returned when the element is not there.
// note that _Tp must match the actual matrix type -
// the functions do not do any on-fly type conversion
else //exception handling
return H;
void mulSparseMat32f(SparseMat& smat, Mat& src, Mat& dest, bool isTranspose)
SparseMatIterator it = smat.begin(),it_end = smat.end();
float* d = dest.ptr<float>(it.node()->idx[0]);
float* s = src.ptr<float>(it.node()->idx[1]);
for(int color=0;color<3;color++)
d[color]+= it.value<float>() * s[color];
else // for transpose matrix
float* d = dest.ptr<float>(it.node()->idx[1]);
float* s = src.ptr<float>(it.node()->idx[0]);
for(int color=0;color<3;color++)
d[color]+= it.value<float>() * s[color];
void deblurSparseMat32f(Mat& src, Mat& dest, SparseMat& H, int iteration, float beta)
const int matsize = src.cols*src.rows;
Mat dstvec(matsize,1,CV_32FC3);
Mat svec;
//convert Mat image structure to 1D vecor structure
//steepest descent method for L2 norm minimization
for(int i=0;i<iteration;i++)
//blur input vector
//subtract b blured image from non-blured image
Mat temp = dstvec - svec;
//blur the subtructed vector with transposed matrix
//creep ideal image, beta is parameter of the creeping speed.
svec -= (beta*dstvec);
//re-convert 1D vecor structure to Mat image structure
void blurSparseMat32f(Mat& src, Mat& dest, SparseMat& H)
const int matsize = src.cols*src.rows;
Mat dstvec(matsize,1,CV_32FC3);
//convert Mat image structure to 1D vecor structure
Mat svec = src.reshape(3,matsize);
//bluring operation
SparseMatIterator it = H.begin(),it_end = H.end();
float* d = dstvec.ptr<float>(it.node()->idx[0]);
uchar* s = svec.ptr<uchar>(it.node()->idx[1]);
for(int color=0;color<3;color++)
d[color]+= it.value<float>() * s[color];
//re-convert 1D vecor structure to Mat image structure
//unsharp mask for Mat image; it is not matrix domain representation, just image filtering.
void unsharpMaskBox(Mat& src, Mat& dest,Size window)
Mat src_f;
Mat dest_f;
Mat sub_f;
blur(src_f,dest_f, window);
#include <cv.h> #include <highgui.h> using namespace cv; #include <iostream> using namespace std; SparseMat createblurBoxSparseMat32f(Mat& src, Size window); Mat visualizeSparseMat(SparseMat& smat, Size out_imsize); void blurSparseMat32f(Mat& src, Mat& dest, SparseMat& H); void deblurSparseMat32f(Mat& src, Mat& dest, SparseMat& H, int iteration, float beta); void mulSparseMat32f(SparseMat& smat, Mat& src, Mat& dest, bool isTranspose = false); void unsharpMaskBox(Mat& src, Mat& dest,Size window); int main(int argc, char** argv) { Mat image = imread("lenna.png");//input image Mat bimage(image.size(),CV_8UC3);// blured image Mat dbimage(image.size(),CV_8UC3);// deblured blured image Mat dbimage2(image.size(),CV_8UC3);// deblured blured image for unsharp mask Size kernelwin = Size(7,7);//blur kernel is 7x7 box matrix int64 time; double f = 1000.0/getTickFrequency(); //(1) generate sparse matrix of point spread function time = getTickCount(); SparseMat psf=createblurBoxSparseMat32f(image, kernelwin); cout<<"generating point spread fuction time:"<<(getTickCount()-time)*f<<" ms"<<endl; //(2) visualize the sparse matrix time = getTickCount(); Mat smatim = visualizeSparseMat(psf, Size(256,256)); cout<<"visualizing sparse matrix time:"<<(getTickCount()-time)*f<<" ms"<<endl; imshow("Sparse Mat",smatim); waitKey(10); //(3) blur a input image with the sparse matrix time = getTickCount(); blurSparseMat32f(image,bimage,psf); cout<<"bluring time:"<<(getTickCount()-time)*f<<" ms"<<endl; //(4) deblur the degraded image with a steepest descent method for L2 norm minimization time = getTickCount(); deblurSparseMat32f(bimage,dbimage,psf,10, 0.2f);//iteration:10, beta = 0.2 cout<<"debluring time:"<<(getTickCount()-time)*f<<" ms"<<endl; //(5) sharp the degraded image with common sharpness filter for mutch up time = getTickCount(); unsharpMaskBox(bimage,dbimage2,kernelwin); cout<<"unsharpMask time:"<<(getTickCount()-time)*f<<" ms"<<endl; imshow("test",image); //input image waitKey(); imshow("test",bimage);//blured image waitKey(); imshow("test",dbimage);//deblured image waitKey(); imshow("test",dbimage2);//unsharpmasked image waitKey(); //(6)evaluation by L2 norm cout<<"norm: ideal <-> blured "<<norm(image,bimage)<<endl; cout<<"norm: ideal <-> deblured "<<norm(image,dbimage)<<endl; cout<<"norm: ideal <-> unsharpMask "<<norm(image,dbimage2)<<endl; return 0; } Mat visualizeSparseMat(SparseMat& smat, Size out_imsize) { Mat data = Mat::zeros(out_imsize,CV_8U); double inv_size = 1.0/smat.size(0); SparseMatIterator it = smat.begin(),it_end = smat.end(); for(;it!=it_end;++it) { int j = (int)(((double)it.node()->idx[0]*inv_size*out_imsize.height)); int i = (int)(((double)it.node()->idx[1]*inv_size*out_imsize.width)); data.at<uchar>(j,i)++; } double minv,maxv; minMaxLoc(data,&minv,&maxv); data.convertTo(data,-1,255.0/maxv); Mat zeromat = Mat::zeros(out_imsize,CV_8U); vector<Mat> image; image.push_back(zeromat); image.push_back(data); image.push_back(zeromat); Mat ret; cv::merge(image,ret); cout<<"number of non zero elements: "<<smat.nzcount()<<endl; return ret; } SparseMat createblurBoxSparseMat32f(Mat& src, Size window) { int matsize =src.cols*src.rows ; int size[2]={matsize,matsize}; SparseMat H(2,size,CV_32FC1);//sparse mat: image_size x image_size int bsy=window.height/2;// offset for kernel window int bsx=window.width/2;// offset for kernel window Mat kernel(window, CV_32FC1); kernel.setTo(1); normalize(kernel,kernel,1,0,NORM_L1); for(int j=0;j<src.rows;j++) { for(int i=0;i<src.cols;i++) { int y = src.cols*j+i; if(i>=bsx &&i<src.cols-bsx &&j>=bsy &&j<src.rows-bsy) { for(int l=0;l<window.height;l++) { for(int k=0;k<window.height;k++) { // higher-level element access functions: // ref<_Tp>(i0,...[,hashval]) - equivalent to *(_Tp*)ptr(i0,...true[,hashval]). // always return valid reference to the element. // If it's did not exist, it is created. // find<_Tp>(i0,...[,hashval]) - equivalent to (_const Tp*)ptr(i0,...false[,hashval]). // return pointer to the element or NULL pointer if the element is not there. // value<_Tp>(i0,...[,hashval]) - equivalent to // { const _Tp* p = find<_Tp>(i0,...[,hashval]); return p ? *p : _Tp(); } // that is, 0 is returned when the element is not there. // note that _Tp must match the actual matrix type - // the functions do not do any on-fly type conversion H.ref<float>(y,y+src.cols*(l-bsy)+(k-bsx))=kernel.at<float>(l,k); } } } else //exception handling { H.ref<float>(y,y)=1.0; } } } return H; } void mulSparseMat32f(SparseMat& smat, Mat& src, Mat& dest, bool isTranspose) { dest.setTo(0); SparseMatIterator it = smat.begin(),it_end = smat.end(); if(!isTranspose) { for(;it!=it_end;++it) { float* d = dest.ptr<float>(it.node()->idx[0]); float* s = src.ptr<float>(it.node()->idx[1]); for(int color=0;color<3;color++) { d[color]+= it.value<float>() * s[color]; } } } else // for transpose matrix { for(;it!=it_end;++it) { float* d = dest.ptr<float>(it.node()->idx[1]); float* s = src.ptr<float>(it.node()->idx[0]); for(int color=0;color<3;color++) { d[color]+= it.value<float>() * s[color]; } } } } void deblurSparseMat32f(Mat& src, Mat& dest, SparseMat& H, int iteration, float beta) { const int matsize = src.cols*src.rows; Mat dstvec(matsize,1,CV_32FC3); Mat svec; //convert Mat image structure to 1D vecor structure src.reshape(3,matsize).convertTo(svec,CV_32FC3); //steepest descent method for L2 norm minimization for(int i=0;i<iteration;i++) { //blur input vector mulSparseMat32f(H,svec,dstvec); //subtract b blured image from non-blured image Mat temp = dstvec - svec; //blur the subtructed vector with transposed matrix mulSparseMat32f(H,temp,dstvec,true); //creep ideal image, beta is parameter of the creeping speed. svec -= (beta*dstvec); } //re-convert 1D vecor structure to Mat image structure svec.reshape(3,src.rows).convertTo(dest,CV_8UC3); } void blurSparseMat32f(Mat& src, Mat& dest, SparseMat& H) { const int matsize = src.cols*src.rows; Mat dstvec(matsize,1,CV_32FC3); //convert Mat image structure to 1D vecor structure Mat svec = src.reshape(3,matsize); //bluring operation SparseMatIterator it = H.begin(),it_end = H.end(); for(;it!=it_end;++it) { float* d = dstvec.ptr<float>(it.node()->idx[0]); uchar* s = svec.ptr<uchar>(it.node()->idx[1]); for(int color=0;color<3;color++) { d[color]+= it.value<float>() * s[color]; } } //re-convert 1D vecor structure to Mat image structure dstvec.reshape(3,src.rows).convertTo(dest,CV_8UC3); } //unsharp mask for Mat image; it is not matrix domain representation, just image filtering. void unsharpMaskBox(Mat& src, Mat& dest,Size window) { Mat src_f; Mat dest_f; Mat sub_f; src.convertTo(src_f,CV_32F); blur(src_f,dest_f, window); subtract(src_f,dest_f,sub_f); add(src_f,sub_f,dest_f); dest_f.convertTo(dest,CV_8U); }
(3)の逆変換を行います.ぼけがとれた理想画像とは,理想画像にぼけを乗じたものとぼけ画像のノルムを最小にする画像です.つまり|| HX-Y||を最小にするXを求めることです.内部では,ノルムをL2として最急降下法による繰り返し演算により最小化します.具体的には,
Xn+1 = Xn – β(HT(HXn-Y))
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